Nursery Uniform
We are slightly more relaxed about the Nursery uniform but would really like them to wear Hardwick School items where possible.The most important thing in Nursery is that they are comfortable and confident when coming into school. Whatever item they are most confident and independent with toileting in.
To develop a sense of belonging and in preparation for school, children are expected to wear the following uniform:
- Blue Polo Shirt
- School embroidered Jumper/Cardigan (available from our school uniform suppliers My Clothing ) or plain burgundy jumpers/cardigan if My Clothing do not have small enough sizes
- Black tracksuit bottoms/leggings or
- Grey school skirts or grey school trousers
- Shoes or trainers they feel comfortable in - no laces
- Warm waterproof coat
- Wellington boots to be kept at Nursery
- PE - Children wear the same clothing for PE, so there is no need to order a PE kit.
All Uniform must be named with labels to avoid items being lost.